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Terminix Retail Packaging Design - Pivot Marketing Inc.


[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text] When venerable home services giant Terminix was approached to license retail products, the company thought it would be a great opportunity to expand its reach. However, without a clear-cut retail and licensing strategy, it soon found itself, well, bugged. Some products were off-brand, and some confused consumers. What’s more, there wasn’t a migration strategy...

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Designetics Cares

The charitable foundation arm to our client Designetics was doing great works in and around Northern Ohio, but it looked a little, well, drab, doing it. To better align with our efforts designed to engender employee loyalty, we gave the foundation a makeover, starting from, um, the foundation on up. The rebranding effort included reviewing...

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Reveal Research Studio

Reveal Research Studio, a research firm used by brands to gain insights into consumer behavior, wanted to shift its online focus from a solicitation for consumer focus group panelists to a fuller, more client-centric positioning. That meant a complete overhaul of the website and its brand personality. The first step involved substantive conversations with company...

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Bayforce - Brand Identity and Logo Design


[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text] It’s a common problem: a company starts out small, but as it grows, it takes on new industry segments and solutions. However, existing clients only see the company defined in terms of how it began—and that limits the company’s potential. That’s why Bayforce turned to Pivot. We saw that Bayforce's identity didn't represent the company's...

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Toasted Coconut Clusters

[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text] Toasted coconut mixed with chia, pumpkin and sunflower seeds is not your typical snack. So why design a typical package? Instead, we got to the essence of Toasted Coconut Clusters, looking at not only visuals, but the overall form factor of the product for inspiration. Our take: the product was uncommon, so the design...

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Popcorn Thins

What happens when you have a great product, but the packaging is confusing and the name more so? Sales suffer. That’s exactly what was happening when our client reached out to us for a timely refresh. The Brittle Me This brand was causing a bit of confusion on shelf because the product—a pressed, sticky caramel...

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Hello Delicious!

When you’re an innovative, fun and quirky company, but your brand isn’t, what do you do? Turn to Pivot to rename and brand your company....

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