Branding - Pivot Forward
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Branding and Logo Design - Chicago Marketing Agency

Your brand is not a logo.

Or a tagline.

We know that branding involves more than just logo creation. It involves a focused effort to truly understand the intricacies of brand as if it were a living, breathing person—one with a personality, desires and motivations. That informs all sorts of systemic choices and expansive marketing tactics.


So, we use a time-tested process to uncover truths about the brand, using those truths to create a well-rounded picture of what the brand stands for and what it promises to consumers—as well as how the brand will be perceived in the marketplace. So, if a marketer comes to you with an offer of redoing your brand, quoting you a price for a new logo and tagline, tell them where to go. Then come to us.

Build your brand the right way. With us.