food packaging Archives - Pivot Forward
food packaging Archives - Pivot Forward
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food packaging Tag

Food packaging laws are being updated - Pivot Marketing

New Rules Require Sesame Labeling on Food Packaging

Food packaging laws are changing again. With the new FASTER act (Food Allergy Safety, Treatment, Education, and Research Act of 2021 -  H.R. 1202) just signed into law you may need to update your nutrition and ingredient panels. Sesame is now the ninth food allergen that must be included on food packaging. The current requirements...

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A Look at the New FDA Nutrition Facts Label

Big changes are coming in the grocery store aisles, in particular to the Nutrition Facts label. The new label (image below) will need to be implemented by manufactures in July of 2018 with the exception of those with less then $10 million in annual food sales who have been given an additional year to comply.   At...

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Reframing calories into energy could have a real impact on food choices

Using context to shift consumer behavior in food labeling

For years food companies have been complying with the mandated NLEA information under the assumption that they help consumers make better food choices. Based on FDA labeling laws, industry initiatives and the Affordable Care Act we've seen calorie counts added to the sides of food packages, the front of packages, restaurant menus and even the...

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