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Author:Liz Schwartz

Understand how color trends seep into the design world in this great Washington Post article.

Color forecasting 101

The Washington Post ran a great interactive article a week ago on color forecasting, looking back over past trends and showcasing how these colors seep into our world. Check it out....

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The evolving art of food photography

It's no secret that the foods we see on grocery store shelves or in advertisements doesn't look like what you get from a box or in the drive thru. Food photography is an art, and it's evolving from the plastic/perfect world of 70's style to a more modern and yes, more REAL approach. The podcast...

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Brand color affects how consumers see your brand

Brand colors alter consumer perception

Colors can make your company seem more ethical to consumers. A recent University of Oregan study by marketing professor Aparna Sundar studies how color define's a brand and a consumer's response. Colors, she says, may spark ethical considerations that companies need to consider when building their messaging. Learn more from the University of Oregon or the...

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Coca Cola's infamous white can experiment failed, partly because consumers perceived a formula change due to the new packaging color.

How packaging can make food more flavorful

A fascinating article came out in the New Yorker this week focused on the work of Charles Spence at Oxford University. This professor of experimental psychology has been doing tremendous work with consumer perception and food, using all kinds of sensory variables like sound, color and packaging to study how the human brain naturally perceives...

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Can you identify when your brand is losing focus?

The warning signs that your brand is losing focus

Do you know the 7 warning signs that your brand is losing focus? You’re diversifying to try and bring in revenue. Your products are out of date. Your market share and/or your margins are slipping. You’ve got lots of different messages in the market. You’re always holding promotions or sales. Your investors are holding you...

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Is it time for me to change my packaging?

When is it time to update your packaging?

“Deciding to change your packaging should never be taken lightly,” says Phil Duncan, P&G’s Global Design Officer. “There are typically numerous consumer and market dynamics that combine to signal the need to change your package. Consumer understanding and trends, a change in brand strategy, or significant shifts in the category or retail channels can all create...

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Tootsie Rolls - An Iconic Package makes an iconic brand

Creating iconic brands through packaging

Just a little food for thought today as we came across an NPR story about iconic brands that stand apart based on their packaging. It's worth a read if only to realize that differentiating your brand through your package is an opportunity for every consumer product company, large or small. Sometimes, packaging is so distinctive, it...

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Reframing calories into energy could have a real impact on food choices

Using context to shift consumer behavior in food labeling

For years food companies have been complying with the mandated NLEA information under the assumption that they help consumers make better food choices. Based on FDA labeling laws, industry initiatives and the Affordable Care Act we've seen calorie counts added to the sides of food packages, the front of packages, restaurant menus and even the...

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The economists from Freakonomics explore the hidden side of store brands.

Is there magic in your brand?

We're big fans of Freakonomics (and economists Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt) here at Pivot. They recently featured a podcast (with an unintentionally misleading title "How to Save $1 Billion Without Even Trying") on the economic value of brands by exploring the hidden side of store brands and informed shoppers. "You could take two identical objects...

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