Vermont’s GMO Labeling Law – How Does This Effect You?
Did you know that if you are selling any food products in Vermont, you now need to add a label calling out that it contains GMO’s?
Effective July 1, 2016 in Vermont all food containing genetically engineered ingredients need to be labeled on the packaging. They are allowing a 6 month grace period for companies to comply so by January 1, 2017, all food will be required to be labeled if it is on a shelf in Vermont.
There are many other states considering adopting similar standards. In 2013, Connecticut became the first state to pass GMO labeling laws but it hasn’t been implemented due to a trigger provision which is four other states would need to adopt the standard first. Maine adopted a similar law in January of 2014. Other states considering similar legislation are New York and Massachusetts.
Many companies have already adapted the new labeling including Mars, General Mills, Kellogg’s, ConAgra and Campbell Soup. Other companies such as Coca-Cola has decided to pull some of its products off of shelves in Vermont in order to not have to comply. Below is some examples of what the labeling needs to look like from packaging already on shelves.