The shift in eating habits and how it can impact your marketing - Pivot Forward
Nielsen has a new report out to help you understand today's food shoppers... and there are some insights you should digest. Since 2014, more consumers are now eating out than eating at home... so how does this change your marketing plans?
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The shift in eating habits and how it can impact your marketing

Consumers are eating out more than ever.

The shift in eating habits and how it can impact your marketing

Nielsen has a new report out to help you understand today’s food shoppers… and there are some insights you should digest.

  • Beginning in 2014, Americans are now eating more meals out of home. In its report, “Merging Tables and Aisles,” Nielsen examines these  changes in consumer behavior and how it’s time to re-think traditional consumer segments.
  • Nielsen is proposing a shift in traditional consumer demographics to a new standard: traditionalist food shoppers, restaurant occasion lovers, digital adopters and multi-channel adopters.
  • By understanding these four groups, retailers and brands can market to them based on their preference and interests, not just age demographics.

You can read the full report at Nielsen, or take in the recap at


Liz Schwartz

Liz is the Creative Director at Pivot. Her 20+ years of design experience covers the gamut of consumer packaged goods branding, development, packaging and activation.